Our Commitments: Relationship with Employees

Relationship with employees

Prosegur's relationship with its employees is a priority for the company and is governed by the principles of justice, equity, dignity and respect.

This relationship is based on three pillars: working to offer the best working conditions to employees, measuring employee satisfaction, and maintaining fluid relationships between the company and employee representatives.

To know at all times the degree of satisfaction of employees with Prosegur, the company has conducted an ambitious project providing coverage to 100% of employees to improve their experience. This great project has won the Award for Best Employee Experience Project granted by the AEERC (Spanish Association of Experts in Customer Relations) in the framework of the Awards of Excellence.

Find out more about the analysis carried out, the continuous NPS (Net Promoter Score) surveys that have been carried out on the workforce.

Details of the improved processes as a result of the project worldwide could be appreciated in this video:

The NPS surveys therefore carry out a real-time measurement that allows us to identify the link between employees and the relevant events occurring in the company and in society.

To do so, they use a standard market indicator (eNPS) which is measured completely anonymously, to avoid significant bias, with a single question: "between 0 and 10, how much would you recommend working at Prosegur to a friend or family member?" the value of the indicator is calculated by subtracting the percentage of promoters (only those who have scored 9 or 10) from the percentage of detractors (those who have scored from 0 to 6). Therefore, its value can only be between -100 and +100.

Prosegur's eNPS has increased during the first half of 2021 from 56.95 to 60.17.

Colaboración con Fundación LQDVI

Prosegur Cash ha suscrito un convenio de colaboración con la Fundación Lo Que De Verdad Importa, a través del proyecto UVE (Unión de Valores Empresariales), foro de empresas cuyo sello de identidad son sus valores.

La Fundación Lo Que De Verdad Importa es una organización sin ánimo de lucro, cuyo fin no es otro que la difusión de valores humanos universales en la sociedad, poniendo el foco en promover y afianzar los pilares humanísticos que sustentan la esperanza de un mundo mejor.

Para ello, a través de la Fundación se divulgan y promueven historias personales de paz, solidaridad, derechos humanos, igualdad, superación, tolerancia, acceso a la educación y libertad, entre otros; historias reales de vida que impactan, que inspiran, y que no pretenden en ningún caso decir lo que es importante, sino ayudar a que lo descubramos.

Sus actividades se centran en eventos y actividades tanto en vivo como virtuales, consiguiendo llegar a miles de personas en todo el mundo, apoyándose en la tecnología, el lenguaje audiovisual y las redes sociales.

Prosegur is firmly committed to complying with labor and social security standards in all the territories in which it operates as a fundamental basis for its sector leadership.

This translates into special care when defining our labor policies, which, although they are in accordance with the local regulations of each country, always follow common notes globally defined.

In all Prosegur jurisdictions, it is ensured that the remuneration of all its workers is in accordance with the living standards of each country and that they always comply with the legal guarantees provided. For this, salary bands have been established to ensure that there is no discrimination in pay for the same job.

The salary structure is made up of:

Fixed remuneration: According to the living standards of each country and always in line with the legal guarantees provided.

Variable: Most of the collectives at Prosegur have a variable component in their remuneration, which is always linked to specific objectives that ensure that their concession follows criteria of meritocracy. For this, the leadership principles are used as a reference, in addition to the objectives, which among others include alignment with the company's sustainable development objectives.

There are different variable compensation plans based on the functions and responsibilities of each group:

  • DSO: Objectives plan linked to the performance of the most operational teams based on absenteeism ratios, efficiency in services, etc.
  • PIC: Commission plan aimed at commercial groups.
  • PIPE: Annual bonus plan aimed at structural personnel.
  • ILP: Long-term incentive plan aimed at management personnel linked to shares / securities of the Company and its stock price. In Prosegur's 2021-2023 Long-Term Incentive Plan, ESG objectives have been established for Company Executives with the highest levels of responsibility.
  • ESOP/ESPP: Stock option and share purchase plan for all Prosegur corporate employees.
  • Other plans: There are additional plans for specific groups that seek to align the teams with the objectives and strategies of the organization.
  • Other benefits: Prosegur seeks to make its remuneration scheme flexible, therefore all workers enjoy additional non-salary benefits.

Prosegur guarantees working conditions that respect working hours and rest times, as well as digital disconnection, to promote and guarantee conciliation between the personal and professional spheres; including respect for the rest times associated with motherhood and fatherhood.

For this reason, there is currently a strong commitment to flexible schedules as far as possible, as well as teleworking in those positions whose functions allow it.

Prosegur is a strong promoter of the implementation of surrogacy in the legal systems of the countries in which it operates, thereby seeking to provide job stability to the private security sector.

In line with this commitment, and especially in those jurisdictions where measures of this type are not implemented, the company seeks to minimize the impact of the necessary exits or restructuring, applying voluntary criteria, promoting transparency in the communication of measures and, when appropriate, involving workers' representatives.

An example of this policy is the effort made, in many cases with the intervention of worker representatives, to offer all employees work alternatives and cushion the actions necessary to deal with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In its relationship with employees, the involvement of legitimate employee representatives is paramount. For this reason Prosegur seeks to maintain a constant fluid dialogue with them.

As a result of this dialogue, there are the 187 Collective Agreements existing in the company, which cover more than 78% of the total employees, of which during 2020 more than 168 have been agreed in Brazil, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Argentina, Uruguay, Portugal, etc.

Furthermore, in 2014 Prosegur set up a European Works Council to promote transnational cooperation and constructive dialogue between the company and workers' representatives at European level.
Looking forward to 2021, it is expected that at least another 140 Collective Agreements will be closed or renewed.